1. Select a marble "color" to play by clicking on it, which will surround it with a box. The available "colors" are black, check, white and stripe. 2. Click on the appropriate radio button to designate the type of player that will be playing the marble: "Human" or "Computer." A choice of "None" will take the marble out of play, but a minimum of at least two players is required. 3. Enter the player's name. For a marble to be played by the computer, the default name may be accepted by not entering a replacement. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each marble until the setup is satisfactory. Remember, more players make for an exciting game. 5. Click the "OK" button to accept the setup and begin or resume the game. The setup may be changed at any time during the course of a game by choosing "Setup Players" from the Options Menu.